The Arizona Gremlins currently offer two open registration options for youth basketball.
Youth League Membership (3 - Month Commitment)
Practice Only Membership (Month to Month)
Both options provide two indoor team practices per week plus the option of attending additional practices upon request for a small fee. For pricing and more information on each level, please visit our basketball pricing page.
We take practice only registrations all year long. Many parents find this is a good way to break their players into our program in preparation for the next three-month session if a current session is already under way. It is also a great option for those that want to stay sharp but have to take a break from team play.
Come in and give us a shot. We'd love to have your athlete join us for a practice so you can see what our program offers. Use the link below to get started.
Club Tournament Membership
Tryouts for our Tournament Club basketball teams happen throughout the year. Teams compete in various local and regional tournaments and may also take part in local leagues each season. Please feel free to contact us with questions regarding our tournament teams and to schedule a tryout.
High School Membership
Our high school boy's teams compete year round and comply with the Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) general provision 14.4.1 regarding nonschool participation. It is up to the athlete and guardian(s) to make known to the Arizona Gremlins of such participation. Tryouts may be held at the discretion of the coaching staff; no roster spots are guaranteed.